Equal Opportunities Policy 

Statement of Intent 

Jesus in His life and ministry embraced equal opportunities and rejected discrimination. This policy has been adopted with the aim of following Christ’s example, and with the intent of complying with our moral and legal responsibility1 to promote equality of opportunity in all our work and activities. 

1 Legal duties are defined in the Equality Act 2010 

(There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28). 


Direct Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than others in similar circumstances on the grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origins, sex, sexual orientation or perceived sexuality, marital status, disability, membership or non-membership of trade union, “spent convictions” of ex-offenders, class, age, politics, religion or belief. 

Indirect Discrimination occurs when a condition or requirement is imposed which adversely affects one particular group considerably more than another and cannot be strictly justified in terms of requirements for performing the job. 

Harassment is defined as unwanted, unreciprocated and/or uninvited comments, looks, actions, suggestions or physical contact that is found objectionable and offensive and that might threaten an employee’s job security, or create an intimidating working environment. Harassment is particularly liable to occur as part of sexual or racial discrimination. 

Victimisation is defined as singling out of an individual for harsh treatment, or unfair action/sanction. 

Employees and Volunteers 

Certain posts, whether paid or unpaid, will require that the post holder supports the ethos and the values of the Christian faith, uphold the principles of St Martin-in-the-Fields church, and speak and act in line with Christian values in the course of their duties. These posts are recognised as having Genuine Occupational Requirements. All information in relation to any St. Martin-in-the-Fields church Green Lane South, Finham, Coventry CV3 6EA Registered Charity No. 1133962 

of the above posts, including advertising and role definitions/job descriptions, will make the position of religious belief clear. 

Code of Conduct 

During parish activities, such as those taking place within St Martin-in-the-Fields Church premises, members of the church community will seek to uphold their Christian values, and everyone will be expected to: 

  • Treat people with dignity and respect, regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age. 
  • Value and respect the feelings of others. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used, e.g. sexist or racist jokes or terminology that is deemed derogatory. 
  • Not harass, abuse, exclude or intimidate anyone, on the grounds of their race, gender, age, nationality, disability, religion or sexual orientation. 

Code of Practice 

In practice, this will mean that we will: 

  • Take steps to ensure that our parish buildings are accessible and usable by all. 
  • Seek to encourage those sections of our community who are under-represented into a fuller participation in parish life. 
  • Ensure particular care is taken to properly deal with any complaints of discrimination. 
  • Ensure entry to employment, promotion, or change of post is determined by personal merit and ability relevant to the purposes of the Parish. 
  • Aim to ensure that people with disabilities are given equal opportunity to enter employment. In doing so, it will fully consider reasonable adjustments to working practices, equipment and premises to ensure that a disabled person is not put at a substantial disadvantage due to their disability. In addition, if staff members become disabled in the course of their employment, every effort will be made through reasonable adjustment, retraining or redeployment to enable them to remain in the employment of the Parish. 
  • Work to make sure that no individual, or organisation connected with church activities, hinders the positive implementation of this policy. Any form of unlawful discrimination is strictly unacceptable. 

St. Martin-in-the-Fields church Green Lane South, Finham, Coventry CV3 6EA Registered Charity No. 1133962 

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) affirms its right, with regard to Parish buildings, to only allow their use in a way that is consistent with trust deeds and user policy. 

Responsibility and Reporting 

It is the responsibility of every individual to eliminate discrimination by ensuring the practical application of the equal opportunities policy and reporting concerns about any possible breach of this policy to the vicar and/or the PCC. All allegations of discrimination (including harassment) will be treated seriously. 

Any employee or individual may complain about discriminatory conduct using the grievance procedures of the Church of England. However, they should try to resolve the matter informally and through the PCC in the first instance. No individual will be penalised for raising a grievance unless it is proved to be untrue and made in bad faith in which case it will be treated as misconduct and dealt with under Disciplinary Procedure. Key contacts Vicar: Revd. Matt Taylor, vicar@stmartins.online 
PCC Secretary: Mrs Jackie Cubitt, jackie.cubitt@outlook.com 
Date policy approved by PCC and issued 17 January 2023 
Review period 3 years 
Next review date January 2026