We might have a love-hate relationship with new things. On the one hand, for some the smell of a new car or freshly washed bed sheets ‘spark joy’, but for others a new road junction or even a new year does exactly the opposite.
Our verse for this year encourages us to acknowledge, understand and step into something new with God. ‘See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?’ Is 43:19a. In 2024 our theme which weaves its way through the year is ‘Prophecy, Then, Now and to Come’. We will be looking at its importance in the Bible, how prophecy is at work today and what it might tell us about the future — though prophecy is far more than foretelling the future, it can lift the lid on what God is doing now … but more of that another time. We will look at Isaiah, Jesus the prophet and even dip into Revelation as the year progresses.
It’s Epiphany and we think of the prophecies and new signs that brought the wise men so far to meet the new King. Without the prophesy they would not have made that journey — both from the words that they had read and the prophetic sign of the star in the sky.
Why is this important? Well, Paul says it is, ‘I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy’ (1 Co 14:5). Maybe this is a new thought for you this year, let’s move forward together with God to see what new thing he wishes to do and to teach us.
If you would like to learn more about this watch Rev Matt Taylor Talk on YouTube filmed at an evening worship here
If you would like a 14 day reading plan on Prophesy click here
If you need some help with how to do a daily Bible reading some help is here