
At St Martin’s we believe that contributing financially to groups, communities and situations beyond our own parish is very important. Therefore, as a church, we have agreed that 10% of our general income should be given to Christian work outside the parish, whether in the UK or further afield.

We currently support the following organisations locally:

And support the following Christian organisations who are working to provide aid, increase living conditions and to spread the word and love of Jesus around the world:-

We have a special and close relationship with the parish of Murico, in Rwanda, Africa. A small team of St Martin’s church family have visited this community a number of times. Our partnership is focused on improving our understanding of what life is like for the people and doing what we can to support all aspects of their lives including their faith. Murico is part of the diocese of Kigeme, Rwanda.

Tim Osgood working for Operation Mobilisation as their finance officer.
Rwanda  –  our partner parish of Murico.

The Lighthouse Christian Care ministry.
Coventry City Mission.