Palm Sunday – 10th April
9am Holy Communion
11am All age Worship
Wednesday – 13th April
10am Said Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday – 14th April
7.00pm Agape meal in the Hall
(Food, fellowship & sharing bread & wine)
We are planning an Agape Meal in person in the hall on Maundy Thursday this year (7pm, 14th April) and will be organising a very simple meal for the church family to share. If you are plan-ning to come along, we’d be grateful if you would volunteer to bring something with you.
Contact Rev Abby Rhodes for more details
Good Friday – 15th April
11am All age Worship
2-3pm An hour at the cross
Easter Sunday – 17th April
9am Holy Communion
11am All age Communion with children’s groups