This is a page of resources to help us in our daily encounter with Jesus through prayer and bible reading. In our year of discipleship we have highlighted the need for us as disciples of Jesus to reflect his daily walk with God but in ways that best connect with us individuals. The truth is we are all different, our personalities and preferences are different and what is right for one person is not always right for another. Here is a page of resources which we will add to that might help you find the best resource for the person God has created you to be.
Lectio 365
Lectio 365 is an audio devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. Listen for 10 minutes each morning to meditate on the word and pray. End each day with God using peaceful, seasonal night prayers.
Bible in one Year
Alpha International Bible in one year with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel, various version inc App
Every Day with Jesus
Regular daily devotional in various formats
The Bible App – You Version
Bible app with various versions of the Bible and daily reading guides.
Daily Bible Reading Notes from Scripture Union
Regular daily devotional in various formats
BRF Bible reading
Bible reading app, though all are also in print
Daily Prayer – Church of England
Daily prayer online, app or book. Audio version available online.
7 ways to Prayer
Amy Boucher Pye
Seven Ways to Pray explores how by looking to ancient prayer practices of Christianity, we can find fresh ways to relate to God today. Discovering these tried and tested tools will not only strengthen our relationship with him but will bring us joy, contentment, growth and transformation.
How to Pray
Pete Greig
Pete Greig has been teaching on prayer – and leading a non-stop prayer movement – for twenty years. Now, for the first time, he puts his life’s work into a response to the question everybody ultimately asks: how do I pray?
Richard Foster
A classic!